Just another DCS Server.

Execept we don't know what we're doing

About Us.

We are just a small group of friends that get together to mess around. But anyone is free to join if they'd like!.

  • Hosted 24/7 in Canada.
  • We don't know what we're doing.
  • Always open for suggestions.

The server has also mods installed: LotATC, Tacview and SRS. However, they're not required to be used to play on the server. We also got SLmod installed for stats tracking.




Join our Discord

Not ready yet coming soon. But feel free to message me directly Scared Donut#0001.

Join The Discord

Some of our failures

Since we don't know what we're doing and we like to mess about. Here are some stats.


Team kills cause we all know team killing friends is fun.


civilians killed fucking degeneerates we are.


Crashes... Well because we don't know how to fly.


hours played we got no life


The Pilots

Basically everyone that plays on the server


Last played: 2022-04-21 19:09:33

Scared Donut

Last played: 2022-04-21 19:09:53